BTS CPHFW part 1

This site has had some difficulties lately, but now I think we are back on track!
Thank You for staying put!
I wrote a long post about Copenhagen Fashion Week but unfortunately it got lost in space.
For those of you who follow me on Instagram and TikTok, you have seen some glimpses before.
But as promised, here are some personal snaps #BTS from #CPHFW in August
I was working with my friend and colleague Sidsel Marie Boeg and Untold Secretz this time.
We used Glo Skin Beauty Makeup.
I loved working with these mineral foundation sticks.
Here are my backstage snaps from The Mark Kenly Domino Tan show.
Minimalistic makeup and a minimalistic collection tailored to perfection.
Sidsel and I have worked together on Mark Tan shows before, but then the makeup was a little different..
The show was set in the serene Glyptotek sculpture garden
Christine & The Queens “Shine” set the tone to the walking models
Minimal makeup and maximal glow. Here on Ilirida Krasniqi
Sidsel did perfect braids and sleek centre parts
It was raining on rehearsals but the sun came out right before show start
Loved the casting
Rolling on to the next show
See next post for CPHFW part 2