Dags för bokstaven D
D som i Dick Page
Dick Page är en av jordens mest eftertraktade Makeup artister.
Dick Page har varit tongivande i modehistorien med sin konstnärliga syn på makeup.
Dick Page är brittisk, Artistic Director för Shiseido -The Makeup sedan 2007, har skägg och sägs vara en fantastisk kock, och fotar sin kvällsmat, eller “Tea”, varje dag på sitt instagramkonto.
Dick Page fick sitt genombrott i början på 90-talet i tidningar som The Face och I-D , med bilder på Kate Moss tagna av Fotografen Corinne Day.
Kort därefter uppmärksammade Calvin Klein, Dick Page och han fick göra Calvin Kleins modevisning i New York och kletade vaselin på modellernas ögonlock.
Efter genombrottet hos Calvin Klein blev han kallad “King of no-makeup makeup” och därefter tog hans karriär fart på riktigt.
Dick Page är också känd för sitt samarbete med fotografen Juergen Teller och designern Marc Jacobs och för deras många okonventionella reklamkampanjer.
Dick Page är en ständig figur backstage på visningarna runtom i världen och är key makeupartist för Narciso Rodriguez, Michael Kors, Schiaparelli, Hermes, Zero + Maria Cornejo. Men har även jobbat för Celine, Saint Laurent, Marc jacobs mfl
Page fotograferar mycket och ofta använder han sina bilder som referens för att skapa makeup-färger till sitt arbete som Artistic Director för Shiseido – The Makeup.
Här har Page fotograferat sanden på Smith Point Beach på Long Island…
..som sedan blev till Shiseidos Pink Sands Eye Shadow trio. Photo Jens Mortensen
Om sitt yrke säger Dick Page till Into The Gloss:
“As a makeup artist, you should be able to do everything. You may not have to do everything, but you should be able to. You will never have to create the Peggy Moffitt eye with four pairs of false eyelashes, but you should be able to—because it’s what we do. You have that reserve of information and knowledge and hopefully frames of reference and understanding of at least some aspects of beauty and makeup history. Get a membership to the Met or the New Museum. Or the Whitney. You should be seeing everything. Films, sculpture, and great art. Have range and also keep moving. Never have an idle hand. Draw. If you’re not doing makeup, you should be drawing. You should be writing. A hand should always be mobile, should always be fluid. I just did it until I figured it out. Until I got it right.”
För ett inspirerande hemma hos-reportage hos Dick Page och hans äkta man James Gibbs titta här hos The Selby
Här följer ett urval av Dick Pages fantastiska jobb. Både för tidningar och Reklamkampanjer.
Se och inspireras!
Klicka här för att se ovan SHISEIDO VIDEO directed by Nick Knight för SHISEIDO -The Makeup.
Jag är personligen tacksam över att fått chansen att jobba med Page ett par gånger i New York. Jag Minns särskilt en show för Narciso Rodriguez 2007 och Page´s inspirerande sätt att se på makeup.
Lika inspirerande då som nu!
Önskar er en fin Söndag!
In my Beauty Alphabet D is for Dick Page
Dick Page is one of the world’s most sought after makeup artists..
Dick Page has been influential in fashion history with his artistic approach to makeup.
Dick Page is British, the Artistic Director for Shiseido Makeup -The since 2007, has a beard and is said to be an amazing chef, and take pictures of his supper, or “Tea” , every day on his instagram.
Dick Page’s breakthrough was in the early 90s in magazines such as The Face and I-D, with pictures of Kate Moss taken by photographer Corinne Day.
Shortly thereafter Calvin Klein noticed Dick Pages work, and asked Dick Page to do the makeup for the Calvin Klein fashion show in New York where Page smeared Vaseline on the models’ eyelids.
After the breakthrough at Calvin Klein, Page became known as the “King of the no-makeup makeup look” and then his career took off for real.
Dick Page is also known for his collaboration with photographer Juergen Teller and designer Marc Jacobs and for their many unconventional advertising campaigns.
Dick Page is a constant figure backstage at Runway Shows around the world and is the key makeup artist for Narciso Rodriguez, Michael Kors, Schiaparelli, Hermes, Zero + Maria Cornejo. But has also worked on shows for Celine, Saint Laurent, Marc Jacobs and many others.
Page travels and photographs a lot and often he uses the images not only as souvenirs but as references to create makeup-colours for his work as Artistic Director for Shiseido – The Makeup.
See an example above for the Shiseido Pink Sands Eyeshadow trio based on a photograph from Smith Points beach in Long Island taken by Page.
About his work as a makeupartist Page tells this to Into The Gloss:
“As a makeup artist, you should be able to do everything. You may not have to do everything, but you should be able to. You will never have to create the Peggy Moffitt eye with four pairs of false eyelashes, but you should be able to—because it’s what we do. You have that reserve of information and knowledge and hopefully frames of reference and understanding of at least some aspects of beauty and makeup history. Get a membership to the Met or the New Museum. Or the Whitney. You should be seeing everything. Films, sculpture, and great art. Have range and also keep moving. Never have an idle hand. Draw. If you’re not doing makeup, you should be drawing. You should be writing. A hand should always be mobile, should always be fluid. I just did it until I figured it out. Until I got it right.”
For an inspiring at-home reportage with Dick Page and his husband James Gibbs look here at The Selby
Check above images and video for a selection of Dick Pages Amazing work!
Both editorial and advertising campaigns!
Personally I feel grateful for having gotten the chance to work with Dick Page in New York.
I especially remember a fashionshow for Narciso Rodriguez in 2007, and Pages inspiring way to look at makeup.
Just as inspiring then, as now!
Wishing you all a lovely Sunday!
Sources of information :
+ real life experience
Most images from Dick Page´s worldwide agent Jed Root.
For detailed image credit visit
[…] oförskämt fräsch ut, Gwyneth? På Gwyneth Paltrows livsstilssajt Goop delar makeupartisten Dick Page med sig av några enkla tips, för att få Gwyneths enkla fräscha […]